Monday, 12 October 2015

Getting FRESH with Anchor's Rest

As the weather warms and Spring simmers its way into a mellow summer, it gets harder and harder to stay indoors. Everything out of doors is exquisite.Durban is gorgeous all year round … lush greenery shades the highways and byways, lawns roll smugly into hazy distances and burst of colour decorate almost every space. Even in the middle of winter, Durban’s a beautiful place to be.
But as Spring’s pretty pastels are painted into vibrant Summer shades, it’s simply irresistible.
Peter and Benson vegging out with the veggies!And I’ve got an added incentive. You see, for the past few months my garden has been so much more than just the beautiful and tranquil frame for Anchor’s Rest, our personal Happy Place. In recent weeks,  our garden has also become a growing space of fresh, organic health and happiness.
That’s right: Anchor’s Rest now boasts our very own organic herb and vegetable garden.
I was inspired to start my own herbs and vegetables while visiting a friend. She had arranged charming hanging baskets of strawberries and herbs in the trees in her garden.  They looked  so fresh and cheerful … and nothing on earth beats the taste of fresh!
Jane Griffiths signing copies of her books.I just loved the whole idea! So I thought I’d start an organic garden on our patio - in containers.
Never one for half measures, I dived in and bought the best books I could find:  Jane’s Delicious Garden and Jane’s Delicious Herbs by SA’s organic gardening guru, Jane Griffiths. I pored over the fascinating pages and devoured all the bits I liked best - and then I just went for it!
I was also lucky enough to attend Jane’s workshop on Organic Gardening, which she presented in the Midlands. I took Joyce, my live in housekeeper with me. She is also growing vegetables for herself in the garden, so she was delighted to have the chance to learn to do it even better. We have a great system in place: I buy the seeds for us both, and we plant them together in containers on our patio.
Delicious displays of herbs and veggies in the MidlandsWe’ve been very busy! We’re now growing the following:
  • Basil
  • Parsley
  • Mint
  • Celery
  • Lettuce
  • Spinach
  • Rosemary
  • Lavender
  • Delicious displays of herbs and veggies in the MidlandsChillies
  • Thyme
  • Pak Choi
  • Beetroot
  • Peas
  • Carrots
  • Tomatoes (not as easy as you’d think!)
  • Strawberries
  • Scented Geraniums (to help deter unwanted pests - they work very well!)
  • Nasturtiums and Marigolds in amongst my herbs and veggies, to deter pests
It’s been a very therapeutic way to pass the time, and I’m enjoying it thoroughly. I feel like I learn something new every week.
Joyce picks out her favourites.As I’m sure you can imagine, I have found some things easy to grow and others difficult. Watercress isn’t really suited to our warm climate, which was a bit disappointing. I haven’t had much success with peppers, either ... and those traditional climbing tomatoes are also difficult.  I’m growing cherry tomatoes instead, which are absolutely delicious.
I only use organic potting soil, fertilisers and an organic spray to control pests.
In the evenings I go onto our patio and pick my salad ingredients – what a pleasure!!  All of the garnishing on the breakfast plates is what I have grown.
Why don’t you come and enjoy a delicious, FRESHLY picked, organic side dish to your next breakfast with us … after a restful night in luxury in one of our inviting rooms. We can’t wait to see you.
Click here to book your spot or call on +27 (31) 561 7380.
Warm summery regards,